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PTO Initiatives and Happenings

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 Click the icon below to view our

November 12th, 2024 General Board meeting on our

YouTube Channel. 





Join us for our 2nd General Board Meeting on 

Tuesday, November 12th, at 9:00 a.m.

*** Location ***  

Weston High School Library. 


 Challenge Success Update

It was wonderful to see the over 200 students and families who came out to discuss having a healthier approach to college admissions. If you were unable to attend, HERE are the slides from the Challenge Success presentation. Check out the slides on Conversation Starters and Parent Strategies for helpful tips on navigating the college process. If you want to read more of the research from Challenge Success see their white paper: A ‘Fit’ Over Rankings: Why College Engagement Matters More Than Selectivity.



School Information

Weston High School

Regular School Hours
7:45 AM – 2:30 PM

115 School Road
Weston, CT 06883
Main Office: (203) 221-6500
Fax: (203) 221-1252

Attendance Line: 203.221.6501 (Grades 9 – 12)


 Be a CHAMPION for your child
in 2 easy steps!


We will keep you in-the-know with our newsletters, include your family in the directory, see opportunities to make purchases, volunteer, and complete any paperwork - all online in one spot. Our goal is to save time, and work together with families more smoothly!


Our PTO’s mission is to advocate for our children and provide outstanding programs that empower our community. Become a member today!


You will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login
with another organization, you can use the same log-in here.